Monday, September 25, 2017

A Knee for Justice

It deeply saddens me that a flag and a song have more meaning than the guaranteed constitutional rights of freedom, equality and justice.  People are offended by kneeling during the anthem but not offended by racism and modern day lynchings. It saddens me that people are more upset about broken windows than about an unarmed man being assassinated by cops or a young child playing in a neighborhood park being shot by police. Slavery, lynchings, Jim Crow, segregation, poverty, education inequality, police state justice- no problem-just respect the flag. It is time for those who believe in justice to take a knee. Kneel in prayer for those murdered and oppressed by racism.  Kneel to say that injustice will not be tolerated in this great nation.  Kneel in solidarity as a nation that stands for justice and equality for all people.  Let us not forget that in the 1930s Nazi Germany began arresting thousands of people who refused to salute the Nazi flag and sent them to concentration camps. Not saluting the flag did not mean those brave people did not love their country nor does it mean that the Americans who are bravely refusing today don't love their country.  They are taking a stand on the platform they have to make this country a better place. They are kneeling for freedom, justice and equality. "Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter." (MLK)

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